Sunday 19 July 2015

#tlhb #hairbyme #fresh #haircut

Sunday 5 July 2015

#tlhb #projects

Right now I have a few projects that are out and much more to come here is just a lil run down.

Food With Me #Fwm - Food Blog
Fashion With Me #fwme - Fashion Blog
54 day Work Out Plan #54wop - Fitness Plan
On The Sofa #ots - Lifestyle Show ( Coming Soon )
Week In News #Win - News Blog ( Relaunching Soon )
With Me #withmeblog - Lifestyle Blog ( Coming Soon ) 

Back to #single me #tlhb

As it stands now , I am very very very very single lol. Last person I was seeing did not really turn out that great but hey it is always a lesson learnt in my eyes. What lesson did I learn hmmmmm ? I would say that I am ready to settle to down , share my life with someone , think about kids and all that jazz.

Just have to play the waiting game right now , now really going out with to find it. If it happens it happens and when it dose I will be ready. 

Friday 3 July 2015

Trying to #build a new #life #tlhb

I have been jobless for almost 1 month now and it has come to a point to were I had to make a big step about my life and were it was going. I am trying now to build a new life for me and making some big changes. We only live are life ones so best make what you can of it.

Sunday 10 May 2015

#Man #Free #2015 no more #tlhb

So I have gone a few months being man free but late last month I broke it. I am kinda seeing this guy that is very hard to read but very worth my while.

Have been talking to this guy for nearly over 7 years but only just met up with him last month. Been on two 'dates' lol great sex lol

I do not know were is going but all I know now is that I  ready to settle down , share my life with someone.

I am ready for LOVE

Friday 8 May 2015

#54wop #round 3 #tlhb #Starts #Soon

As I really did not do the full 54 days last time I have decided to go at it again and this time go harder. I have put on the weight I wanted to last time and sorted out my legs. This time I want to really stop smoking , sort out my chest , arms and back. Will let you know when it starts.

Monday 4 May 2015

#54wop #round 2 final #post #tlhb

So as this round of the 54 work out plan as come to a end it is time to write my final post. All in all it was a good 54 days , more lows then highs but I do think I am getting somewhere.

Smoking smoking - 5/10
Was really hard but I did cut down and hopefully will stop soon

Food intake - 8/10
I really worked hard on sorting out my meal plans , food intake and it really did help.

Weight gain 9/10
Can truly say I am very happy about putting on all the weight I have. Gone from 9 stone to 10 stone 9 pounds.

Work out 6/10
Think this was the hardest part as I am so lazy and can barely fit in eating in to my day lol but I really tired hard and think I am getting there. Legs and really looking on point.

Many #faces of #me ,fashiondesigner #postman #blogger

Thursday 2 April 2015

All in the #hair #update 2 #tlhb

Finely got all the things I need to sort out my hair , will be doing it this week then I got time. Photos to come  ;-) 

Sunday 29 March 2015

54 day #workout plan 6/7 week #diary #54WOP #tlhb

It has been some what a hard few weeks : dealing with a death in family , money issues , work issues , health issues the list just goes on really. This work out plan has really gone out the window , lose so much weight due to stress. Smoking and drinking way to much. Things are really gonna come to a head in next week then maybe I can finely get on track. As this 54 day plan is coming to a end in a week or so I will be trying again and will keep you updated.

Sunday 8 March 2015

54 day #workout plan 5 week #diary #54WOP #tlhb

Been a really great week all in all , had made a kinda break though with the whole thing.

Picked up my work out like i said I would , 2 - 45 Min work out and 1 - 30 Min work out in a day. My meal plan is finally working out , gone from 2000 c to 3500 c in a day. Stopping smoking is going well , down to like a pack in a week which is a break though in my eyes just need that final push really.

Few more weeks to go and thing are really coming together fingers cross stays that way.

#tlhb presents #fwm ( #food with me) week. Starts 16/3/15

Sunday 1 March 2015

All in the #hair #update #tlhb

So it has taken a few months but I finely sorted out a new look. Kinda gone for a high top fade that is kinda be coloured Redness/Black. Started doing my eyebrow to with to lines and sorted out the facial hair to very simple but a statements I think. Will update when it is coloured too.

54 day #workout plan 3 week / 4 week #diary #54WOP #tlhb

Been a kinda rough few weeks with this work out plan , had a few things to deal with which has stressed me. Not really been eating a lot so have lost alot weight , which always happens been I am super stresses. Not had time to do my work outs too , been traveling here there and everywhere.

My life has kinda relaxed for now so I will be picking it all up from Monday and go even harder then before.

Gonna be upping my work outs from 2 - 45mins work out too 2 - 45 mins and 1 hour in a day. Gonna be picking up my calorie intake from 3000 to 4000 , need to put back on the weight I have lost over the last week.

Fingers cross all goes well really. Need this change.

Sunday 22 February 2015

#tlhb on a weeks break #54WOP #WIN back next week

Due to a death in my family , I will be on a weeks break from the blog. So #54wop (54 Day work out plan) post and #win (Week in News) will be back next week Sunday.

Saturday 21 February 2015

My Love for #Americahorrorstory #ahs #Freakshow #series 4 #tlhb

I spent a whole day watching the whole series of America horror story Freak show and I must say the show just keeps on getting better with every season. Kinda got late to the whole America horror story show, started watching series 3 last year and it got me totally locked.

Watched series 1 and 2 over 3 days a few months a go and was drying for series 4 to start and I was not disappointed at all. Series 5 has already been picked up so I really can not wait.

Sunday 15 February 2015

#tlhb #week in #news #win 8/2/15 - 13/2/15

1 And the Baftas goes to

Big winner at this years Baftas was Boyhood which scooped three awards including best film. The Stephen Hawking biopic The Theory of everything which won there awards too including Outstanding British film and best actor for Eddie Redmayne. Best Dressed on the nite : Amy Adams , Juilanne Moore, Jack O'Connell.

2 Fifty Shady of Vanilla

To say this film was hype over anything was a understatement . Arriving in a Shroud of secrecy this film is just Two hours of build-up and anticipation and complete lack of climax. Only thing that is good about the film is the soundtrack , Ellie Goulding and Beyonce on it to name a few.

3 Buy your own beard

You can now buy your own beard for £6,000 for a follicly challenged males. The current trend for Viking style facial Hair has hit the Shaving foam industry in a big way. I just think the whole thing is just unclean really lol. Never see it on me.

4 Nip and Miley

Miley Shit Cyrus has turned to porn in her way to shock everyone again. She has released a 'Art' Film called Tongue Tied to be screened at the upcoming NYC porn film festival. Nice try Miley

5 Deja Vu

Could Kayne West be more of a ass then before after storming the stage during Beck Grammy acceptance speech. He is just such a big fool and just shows what kinda ass you can be with money and people still take it.

6 Let me Stock Talk

Apple has become the first company to be worth then £460billion based on the value of its stock. It I'd worth about £196.5billion more then the next biggest company, oil company ExxonMobil.

7 R.I.P

So sad to hear about Mitzi Rosanna Steady , one of four victims of the runaway tipper truck. Her Grandmother was also hit by the 32 tonne lorry and remains in a critical condition in hospital. Love goes out to all the family's.

8 Your Face or Mine

What hell has Uma Thurman done to her face ? I know she has not been getting the roles these days but she was to pretty , now she just looks scary lol. Looks very similar to Renee Zellweger face , very bad indeed. Way to much work done there.

9 E-Cigarette Vapour Cancer

They are now saying that smoke from e-cigarettes and their flavouring may harm your lungs and immune system. The Vapour could contain cancer causing agents and heavy metals. I never really believed them when they said it will do nothing to do. Look at air that kills you so what makes you think this will not. Come On.

10 Who hail Sam Smith

So happy for Sam Smith after he stormed to win four out of six Grammy's. His ex must be really pissed lol He Shit on him lol Best Dress on the nite : Sia , Katy Perry, Iggy Azalea , Taylor Swift.

54 day #workout plan 2 week #diary #54WOP #tlhb

2 weeks in to this plan and it has been a kinda hard week. More hours at work , less time to work out and eat right. Been stress on top of stress but I am getting there , just trying to keep looking ahead.

Work outs have been going alright, seen a Lil change in my body. Arms have got bigger , chested is kinda raised up.

Stopping smoking is not going so great , been a Lil stressed which means more smoking , more drinking hopefully next week will be better.

Food intake has been a Lil up and down , still not lost any weight but not put on any so maybe need to research it a Lil more not much more I can do.

Friday 13 February 2015

#notes & #paddle #tlhb

As being a post man , I do see a lot of mad things. Meet a lot of crazy people and find a lot of stuff. Was on my post round today around central london and came across £20 note on the floor. Left my bag down to do me round and there was a sec paddle in my bag lol kinda sex , no clue who lefted it but it will come in use when this man free zone is done. All in all was a good day :-)

Sunday 8 February 2015

#Food #Food #Food with me #tlhb

As I trying to showcase my work out stuff , I will be doing some food post on things I am eating, cooking ect ect Recipes on demand  ;-)

Saturday 7 February 2015

54 #workout #plan Round 2 #week 1 #diary

So it has been one week in to my 54 day work out plan and it has really been doing good. The work out bit is kinda hard to fit in to my day , with work ect ect. I am getting there. Doing 2 work outs in a day and can already see a lil change in my arms and the way I walk.

Been keeping up with the food intake too but it is dam hard to fit in 5 meals a day and doing them milkshake things too. Cut right down on the smoking , few in the week which I am liking. Hopefully in 1/2 weeks will be cut out for good.

I am kinda looking forward to seeing the outcome now , really want a big change in the body. Going from 8 stone 7 to 11 stone is my aim , have already hit 9 stone so i am getting there. Slowly but surely. 

Friday 6 February 2015

#tlhb #week in News

As I am a news person , reading way to much sometimes. I have decided to do a weekly blog post , all about the weekly news and what's items catches my eye. First one will be this Sunday and will see what kinda hits I get then will see if it going to work. Stay tuned for The Lonely Heart Blog Week In News #TLHB #WIN

Monday 2 February 2015

54 #workout #plan Day 1#tlhb

So it all starts from here , already gained 1 stone in 6 weeks and had my first two work outs today and they went really well. Bring on the next 53 days. ;-)

Saturday 31 January 2015

54 #workout #plan round 2 #tlhb

So as I could not start my work out plan at the start of the year due to health and personal issue's. I have decided to start again from the 2nd of February , I have already cut down my smoking and hopefully will be smoke free by the end of the month. That is my aim anyways! So this month you will see a lot of food , health , updates post , body pics lol. ;-)