Monday 4 May 2015

#54wop #round 2 final #post #tlhb

So as this round of the 54 work out plan as come to a end it is time to write my final post. All in all it was a good 54 days , more lows then highs but I do think I am getting somewhere.

Smoking smoking - 5/10
Was really hard but I did cut down and hopefully will stop soon

Food intake - 8/10
I really worked hard on sorting out my meal plans , food intake and it really did help.

Weight gain 9/10
Can truly say I am very happy about putting on all the weight I have. Gone from 9 stone to 10 stone 9 pounds.

Work out 6/10
Think this was the hardest part as I am so lazy and can barely fit in eating in to my day lol but I really tired hard and think I am getting there. Legs and really looking on point.

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