Sunday 15 February 2015

#tlhb #week in #news #win 8/2/15 - 13/2/15

1 And the Baftas goes to

Big winner at this years Baftas was Boyhood which scooped three awards including best film. The Stephen Hawking biopic The Theory of everything which won there awards too including Outstanding British film and best actor for Eddie Redmayne. Best Dressed on the nite : Amy Adams , Juilanne Moore, Jack O'Connell.

2 Fifty Shady of Vanilla

To say this film was hype over anything was a understatement . Arriving in a Shroud of secrecy this film is just Two hours of build-up and anticipation and complete lack of climax. Only thing that is good about the film is the soundtrack , Ellie Goulding and Beyonce on it to name a few.

3 Buy your own beard

You can now buy your own beard for £6,000 for a follicly challenged males. The current trend for Viking style facial Hair has hit the Shaving foam industry in a big way. I just think the whole thing is just unclean really lol. Never see it on me.

4 Nip and Miley

Miley Shit Cyrus has turned to porn in her way to shock everyone again. She has released a 'Art' Film called Tongue Tied to be screened at the upcoming NYC porn film festival. Nice try Miley

5 Deja Vu

Could Kayne West be more of a ass then before after storming the stage during Beck Grammy acceptance speech. He is just such a big fool and just shows what kinda ass you can be with money and people still take it.

6 Let me Stock Talk

Apple has become the first company to be worth then £460billion based on the value of its stock. It I'd worth about £196.5billion more then the next biggest company, oil company ExxonMobil.

7 R.I.P

So sad to hear about Mitzi Rosanna Steady , one of four victims of the runaway tipper truck. Her Grandmother was also hit by the 32 tonne lorry and remains in a critical condition in hospital. Love goes out to all the family's.

8 Your Face or Mine

What hell has Uma Thurman done to her face ? I know she has not been getting the roles these days but she was to pretty , now she just looks scary lol. Looks very similar to Renee Zellweger face , very bad indeed. Way to much work done there.

9 E-Cigarette Vapour Cancer

They are now saying that smoke from e-cigarettes and their flavouring may harm your lungs and immune system. The Vapour could contain cancer causing agents and heavy metals. I never really believed them when they said it will do nothing to do. Look at air that kills you so what makes you think this will not. Come On.

10 Who hail Sam Smith

So happy for Sam Smith after he stormed to win four out of six Grammy's. His ex must be really pissed lol He Shit on him lol Best Dress on the nite : Sia , Katy Perry, Iggy Azalea , Taylor Swift.

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