Saturday 7 February 2015

54 #workout #plan Round 2 #week 1 #diary

So it has been one week in to my 54 day work out plan and it has really been doing good. The work out bit is kinda hard to fit in to my day , with work ect ect. I am getting there. Doing 2 work outs in a day and can already see a lil change in my arms and the way I walk.

Been keeping up with the food intake too but it is dam hard to fit in 5 meals a day and doing them milkshake things too. Cut right down on the smoking , few in the week which I am liking. Hopefully in 1/2 weeks will be cut out for good.

I am kinda looking forward to seeing the outcome now , really want a big change in the body. Going from 8 stone 7 to 11 stone is my aim , have already hit 9 stone so i am getting there. Slowly but surely. 

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