Sunday 1 March 2015

54 day #workout plan 3 week / 4 week #diary #54WOP #tlhb

Been a kinda rough few weeks with this work out plan , had a few things to deal with which has stressed me. Not really been eating a lot so have lost alot weight , which always happens been I am super stresses. Not had time to do my work outs too , been traveling here there and everywhere.

My life has kinda relaxed for now so I will be picking it all up from Monday and go even harder then before.

Gonna be upping my work outs from 2 - 45mins work out too 2 - 45 mins and 1 hour in a day. Gonna be picking up my calorie intake from 3000 to 4000 , need to put back on the weight I have lost over the last week.

Fingers cross all goes well really. Need this change.

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