Tuesday 31 March 2015

#tlhb #fwm ( #food with me) #week #fwmw

Sunday 29 March 2015

54 day #workout plan 6/7 week #diary #54WOP #tlhb

It has been some what a hard few weeks : dealing with a death in family , money issues , work issues , health issues the list just goes on really. This work out plan has really gone out the window , lose so much weight due to stress. Smoking and drinking way to much. Things are really gonna come to a head in next week then maybe I can finely get on track. As this 54 day plan is coming to a end in a week or so I will be trying again and will keep you updated.

Sunday 8 March 2015

54 day #workout plan 5 week #diary #54WOP #tlhb

Been a really great week all in all , had made a kinda break though with the whole thing.

Picked up my work out like i said I would , 2 - 45 Min work out and 1 - 30 Min work out in a day. My meal plan is finally working out , gone from 2000 c to 3500 c in a day. Stopping smoking is going well , down to like a pack in a week which is a break though in my eyes just need that final push really.

Few more weeks to go and thing are really coming together fingers cross stays that way.

#tlhb presents #fwm ( #food with me) week. Starts 16/3/15

Sunday 1 March 2015

All in the #hair #update #tlhb

So it has taken a few months but I finely sorted out a new look. Kinda gone for a high top fade that is kinda be coloured Redness/Black. Started doing my eyebrow to with to lines and sorted out the facial hair to very simple but a statements I think. Will update when it is coloured too.

54 day #workout plan 3 week / 4 week #diary #54WOP #tlhb

Been a kinda rough few weeks with this work out plan , had a few things to deal with which has stressed me. Not really been eating a lot so have lost alot weight , which always happens been I am super stresses. Not had time to do my work outs too , been traveling here there and everywhere.

My life has kinda relaxed for now so I will be picking it all up from Monday and go even harder then before.

Gonna be upping my work outs from 2 - 45mins work out too 2 - 45 mins and 1 hour in a day. Gonna be picking up my calorie intake from 3000 to 4000 , need to put back on the weight I have lost over the last week.

Fingers cross all goes well really. Need this change.