Sunday 19 July 2015

#tlhb #hairbyme #fresh #haircut

Sunday 5 July 2015

#tlhb #projects

Right now I have a few projects that are out and much more to come here is just a lil run down.

Food With Me #Fwm - Food Blog
Fashion With Me #fwme - Fashion Blog
54 day Work Out Plan #54wop - Fitness Plan
On The Sofa #ots - Lifestyle Show ( Coming Soon )
Week In News #Win - News Blog ( Relaunching Soon )
With Me #withmeblog - Lifestyle Blog ( Coming Soon ) 

Back to #single me #tlhb

As it stands now , I am very very very very single lol. Last person I was seeing did not really turn out that great but hey it is always a lesson learnt in my eyes. What lesson did I learn hmmmmm ? I would say that I am ready to settle to down , share my life with someone , think about kids and all that jazz.

Just have to play the waiting game right now , now really going out with to find it. If it happens it happens and when it dose I will be ready. 

Friday 3 July 2015

Trying to #build a new #life #tlhb

I have been jobless for almost 1 month now and it has come to a point to were I had to make a big step about my life and were it was going. I am trying now to build a new life for me and making some big changes. We only live are life ones so best make what you can of it.