Tuesday 30 December 2014

The #year that was #2014

If I would say 2014 was different that would be a under statement. It has been a kinda odd year with a few years , 1 year at my full time job with Whisti , Collection pulled for a TV show , runway event and doing my room up. With many lows , lost my funding , run in to dealt and lost a few friends.

I am so ready for 2015 and all the projects I have lined up and just hoping it will be a better , make me a better person and I can just grow. Ready to take the next stage in my life.  Settling down , running  few company's and meeting new people.

Good bye 2014 and Hello 2015. ;-)

Monday 22 December 2014

All in the #hair #tlhb

I have gone many years with just getting the basic cut on my head , short back and sides but for the last year or so I have been changing my hair every so month to more detail cuts , mohack , high top , different colours from dark blue , red ,purple.

Hair really dose change your mood , look and now more then ever I see why women are always changing there looks and I am right on broad all the way lol. Need a big different look for 2015 , what a different colour and a big different hair cut. Starts from what's on top I guess  ;-) Give me some ideas if you can.

Monday 8 December 2014

The #tlhb going on #youtube in #2015

I am happy to say the Lonely heart blog is going to be on YouTube in 2015 , will be doing a weekly video of the high lights of the blog and the high lights of news and the that week. Really looking forward to it and hope it opens a few more doors in this blogging world. More updates to come.